Me and my 12 year old Springer

  • Started by Caroline Morrell

    on 22nd Nov 2023, 6:10 pm

    Joined 22nd Nov 2023

    1 Thread

    2 Posts

    Hi all. 

    I have a 12 year old Springer Spaniel called Bella who I have had since she was 10 weeks. 

    She has always been hard work, but things have got worse recently with her anxiety and I would love to chat with other Springer owners for some moral support! I am not looking to rehome her but as I live alone, I just want to let off steam and chat to someone who may understand what I am going through. 

    She was doing ok until 5 years ago when I rehomed a Bichon/Lhasa Apso but has recently been horrid to her. She has oseteoarthitis so it could be pain, but I find myself in tears sometimes as I struggle to cope with her constant barking. 

    Anyone out there I can chat to? I have tried all the behavioural things suggested and nothing works. 


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