Harley for sale in Newton Tony - Image 1
Harley for sale in Newton Tony - Image 2
Harley for sale in Newton Tony - Image 3
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Newton Tony, Wiltshire


Harley's ideal home

Harley would love to live in a home with calm, quiet people. He needs an adult-only home with a maximum of 2 people. His ideal home would be in a rural location as he loves to be out in fields and woodland - he is a natural explorer. Harley would enjoy walks away from busy traffic and dogs that are running off-lead. Harley needs a secure garden where he can run, potter, explore and play. He is looking for a specific environment where he can have his own room - a space that can be his safe place to go. This will be an important part of integrating him into a home environment. Harley needs to be the only dog in the home and can have some regular walking buddies - calm friends that he can walk alongside on lead. He would be worried by bouncy dogs.

Could you be Harley's perfect match?

Harley is a sensitive soul who did not have the best start in his life. He has previously found it hard to settle into a new home. He has been living in our Specialist Training and Rehabilitation Unit and the Training Team have been working with him and teaching him life skills that will help him to be successful in a home. We are looking for a extremely dedicated owner for him. Someone who enjoys training and bringing out the potential in him. He is super-clever and really good fun to train. He loves to play and we have taught him to fetch his toys, bring them to us and drop them into a tyre or box. He has been learning the names of his toys and will go and collect a specific toy and bring it to us when asked. Harley really does love to learn new things and is full of enthusiasm. Harley is currently on medication and this needs to be taken into consideration as it is ongoing. It is important to know that members of the Training Team will guide you through the whole process of Harley's adoption and offer support throughout. He will require several meets here at the centre and during the reserve process we would also bring Harley out to the home for visits so it’s important that you live no more than an hour away from us. If you can give Harley a forever home, then please get in touch.

Additional Info

  • Advert posted 9 months ago
  • Breed Springer Spaniel
  • Current age 3 years (approx)
  • Agency/ Charity DogsTrust
  • CentreSalisbury (Wiltshire)
  • Sex Male

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